Kushida and Maki give seminar on Understanding Silicon Valley and Startup Ecosystems

On December 2, 2015, Kenji Kushida and Kanetaka Maki, Research Associates at the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center Japan Program, gave a joint seminar at Stanford University to over 50 participants, entitled “Understanding Silicon Valley and Startup Ecosystems: New research and academic classics you should know.” Kushida provided an overview of canonical works of Silicon Valley, including the work of Martin Kenney and his classic co-edited volume “Understanding Silicon Valley” and other more recent work drawn from the Stanford Silicon Valley - New Japan Project’s “Essential Reading List of Silicon Valley.

Maki presented his new research from a paper entitled “Milestones to University-Based Startup Success: What Is the Impact of Academic Inventor Involvement?” Based on the data analysis of 533 University of California startups, Maki addressed the impact of inventor involvement in the growth and success of university-based startups.

A full video of the seminar is available for viewing here: